Thursday 31 May 2018

SI 8: Doggr, Shockr, Germane Height

The theme this week is short. Short cuts, shortened words, and even shorter people. And one of those people is our guest; the remarkable Rose. If you’ve ever struggled with high shelves or craved world domination, Rose has some spare ideas for you.

Thursday 17 May 2018

SI 7: Ban of Sleeves, Animalympics, Weekend Scrabble

This week’s guest is musician and teacher, Tess Alaina. When not crafting the creative minds of tomorrow, Tess keeps busy reshaping her own world in an effort to make it more fun. Though so far these inventions have remained in Tess’s mind, today they enter yours.

If you want to learn more about Tess as a teacher, you realistically can’t. But if you want to hear the music she makes with her partner, check out

As for that quote that Ben can’t remember, he still can’t, but it goes a bit like this:

“The compliant person looks at the world and sees how they can fit into it. The stubborn person looks at the world and sees how it can fit around them. Therefore it is the stubborn person that changes the world."

Or something like that.

Thursday 10 May 2018

SI 6: Cat Nav, Jesus & Mary Choon, Empathy Twister

This weeks inventor is something of a legend. As founder of the Transition Town movement, Rob Hopkins had an idea that is now in 50 countries and thousands of communities. He’s also Rowan’s dad, which was handy for us.

In true form, Rob raised the bar for Spare Ideas, presenting three inventions that could, and probably should, exist.

Thursday 3 May 2018

SI 5: Alistair’s Idea Cafe

This week’s guest presents a philosophical question: is an Idea Cafe, full of many ideas, a single idea? You’ll have to decide for yourself, because we’re still pondering. While your wondering, settle back for a whole host of wonderful inventions including Cat Police, Heroin Yoga, and The Endangered Species Witness Protection Relocation Programme.