Thursday 14 June 2018

SI 10: ROWAN, Fresh Prints, Never Ending Floories

In celebration of our tenth episode, we welcome back our first ever guest, the inimitable Ben Burrell. When he’s not slinging drinks at the Totnes Brew Co, Ben is largely concerned with improving people’s lives. Or, at the very least, his own. Best buckle your belts, because you’re on the Ben train now and it’s gonna get bumpy.

(And I hope we can all agree that ‘floories’ is a standard and perfectly acceptable word for shoes. Yes? Good.)

Thursday 7 June 2018

SI 9: Twit, Blow Safe, Bloom

This week’s inventor is journalist, multi-instrumentalist, and general force of nature, Andy Hill. (No, not that one. Or that one)

As a writer, Andy is a seeker of experience and his inventions reflect that. Whether it’s a search for natural knowledge, social compassion, or threesomes, Andy has you covered.

CORRECTION: Ben called Jon Ronson's podcast The Butterfly Zone. He feels ashamed.